50-я Международная научная филологическая конференция имени Людмилы Алексеевны Вербицкой

Types of prepositional groups with emotive semantics in Chekhov's plays and English translations

Анна Ивановна Анфиногенова
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет

206 (онлайн, МСТимз)
16:00 - 16:30

Ключевые слова, аннотация

Key words:Russian and Englishn  prepositional group;,syntactic types; translation transformations.


This paper examines the syntactic types of English and Russian prepositional groups (preposition+noun; hereafter, PG) identified in the works of Anton Chekhov and several English translations of his plays. Particular attention is paid to the cases in which such groups are present in the original texts but absent in the texts of translations, and vice versa - when such groups are absent in the original texts but appear in the texts of translations. The first case (PGs are present in the original texts but absent in the texts of translations) is mainly represented by Russian PGs used in the remarks, for example: (с досадой /s dosadoy/ / l.t. with annoyance) - [irritably]; [angrily]; Обе смеются от радости /Obe smeiutsa ot radosti/ l.t. Both laugh with joy - [ they both laugh delightedly]; [both laugh happily]; (в восторге /v vostorge/ l.t. overjoyed) – [enthusiastically]; [ecstatically]; Varia/Варя (v gorkom razdume/в горьком раздумье/ l.t. in bitter reflection) - [(reflecting) bitterly]; [(brooding) unhappily]; The second case (the PG is absent in the original text, but appears in the translation) is also mainly represented by the English PG used in the remarks. The main group of examples of this type are Russian adverbs corresponding to English PGs, e.g: (Иванов Шабельскому/Ivanov to Shabelskiy) razdrazhenno/раздраженно/l.t.angrily) - [with irritation]; Elena Andreevna/Вера Андреевна (нервно/ nervno/ l.t. nervously) - [in great agitation]; /Pishchik/Пищик (Радостно /radostno/ l.t. cheerfully.) – [with an expression of joy]; [with joy]; Нина/Nina (восторженно/  vostorzhenno/ l.t. enthusiastically) - [with enthusiasm].  The identification of such syntactic types of Russian-English translation correspondences and their in-depth analysis in the contrastive-translation aspect will undoubtedly be of both theoretical and practical importance for the work with undergraduate students of the Faculty of Philology.