45th International Philological Research Conference

Прием статей по материалам докладов для сборника трудов 45 Международной филологической конференции

Глубокоуважаемые коллеги! Благодарим вас за участие в XLV Международной филологической конференции, которая проходила с 14 по 21 марта 2016 года на филологическом факультете СПбГУ. Настоящим письмом программный комитет МФК-2016 объявляет открытым прием статей по материалам докладов для сборника трудов конференции, который должен быть издан в текущем году.
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Order of Participant Registration at the 45th International Philological Research Conference

Dear colleagues! This announcement contains important information on the order of participant registration at the 45th International Philological Research Conference, as well as on the registration of travel authorization forms and on certificates of participation.
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Publication of the Program of the 45th International Philological Research Conference

Dear colleagues! We are glad to inform you that the layout of the Program of the 45th International Philological Research Conference is now available on our website: http://conference-spbu.ru/files/local/CMS_File/h0000/2438/2438.pdf?1457517832.
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Schedule of the 45th International Philological Research Conference

Dear colleagues! Today we have unlocked the full schedule of the 45th International Philological Research Conference, and it's now available on our website: http://conference-spbu.ru/conference/32/structure/. To find the information you need, please, select the section and then click on the report title you're interested in. On the top of the information card that will pop up after that you'll see the number (or the name) of the auditorium where this report is supposed to be given and also its date and time. The layout of the program of the 45th International Philological Research Conference will be published on this website no later than March 9, 2016.
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Program of the 45th International Philological Research Conference

Dear colleagues! Due to the huge amount of papers we have received, the 45th International Philological Research Conference program will be published not on February 16, as it was supposed to, but on February 22.
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