XXVI Открытая конференция студентов-филологов в СПбГУ

Author's occasionalisms as a language experiment in a literary text (based on the works of James Joyce)

Елизавета Владимировна Чадова
магистрант 2 курса
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет

Ключевые слова, аннотация

The research considers the concept of author's occasionalisms as the language experiment and the patterns, implemented by the translator while reproducing the occaionalisms into the target language. The purpose of the study is to analyse the relevance of the linguistic experiment in creating and translating the occaionalisms. The material of the study consists of the occasionalisms, selected from James Joyce's novel «Ulysses» and their translations into Russian.


Key words and phrases: occasionalism; linguistic experiment; translation methods; wordplay

The material of the study consists of the occasionalisms, selected from James Joyce's novel «Ulysses» mainly. The author analyses their translations into Russian made by V. A. Khinkis and S. S. Khoruzhiy. The object of the study consists of around 100 examples of occaionalisms. The subject of the study is the structural features of English and Russian occasionalisms. The study analyses such concepts as occasionalism, linguistic experiment, non-equivalent vocabulary, context. The peculiarities of author's oxionalisms in a literary text, types of equivocalism, classifications of non-equivalent vocabulary and the influence of the context are being considered. The author analyses and classifies the ways of translating J. Joyce's occasionalisms. The examples are classified according to the following types: lexical, phonetic, and others types of occasionalisms. Two or three ways of translation transformations are suggested for each type (in the translations reviewed). In conclusion, the findings are as follows:
First, the most common type of occasionalism in James Joyce's novels is lexical occasionalism (67.2%), and the most frequent method of translation is calquing (52%). Phonetic occionalisms (23.4%) are predominantly translated with the use of the combined models. The methods of transcription and transliteration are also of ofthen usage since these methods are the most suitable for the translation of occasional proper names. Moreover, it is necessary to note, that for the translation of other types of occasionalsims (appeals to toponyms, anthroponyms, phraseological derivation), it is especially important to take contextual connections into account, which was noted by both translators. The translators made almost no use of omissions, which can be explained by the need of preserving the author's unique language and wordplay. When comparing the structural types of occasionalisms and the method of their translation, it was found that the belonging to a specific type determines the choice of the translation method.