XLVIII Международная филологическая научная конференция

Imagology of proverbs about love in Slavic cultures: Russian, Bulgarian and Polish comparative study with recourse to English parallels

Anna Anatolievna Kolpakova
independent researcher

14:00 - 14:20

Ключевые слова, аннотация

Russian proverbs, Bulgarian proverbs, Polish proverbs, paremiological unit, cross-linguistic studies, lacunarity, imagology.


This multilingual Russian-Bulgarian-Polish research, based on the Russian paremiological minimum, is looking into paremiological units in relation to love and the ways people of different (yet similar) cultures express their feelings through proverbs. The source of the current research is the Russian-Slavonic Dictionary of Proverbs published in 2000 by M Kotova (St. Petersburg, Russia). The aim of this paper is to uncover possible lacunarities and culturally-tied expressions in the corpora of European cultural memory, particularly in the Russian, Bulgarian and Polish languages. While targeting proverbs of related Slavic languages, this study is approaching the proverbs from an imagology angle, targeting culture-specific lacunaes and investigating close relationships within the languages of the Slavic group. As a group these proverbs are also compared to their English parallels if such exist. Supporting the research with the original meaning of the proverbs related to the subject, their actuality in the modern language (as a result of a sociolinguistic paremiological experiment), showing possible variants within the cross-cultural analysis, the paper introduces possible suggestions for translation and intertextual interpretation of the paremiological unit.