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XXVIII Open Conference for Philology Students

The Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg State University invites you to take part in the XXVIII Open Conference for Philology Students, which will be held from April 14 to April 19, 2025 in a mixed format.

The annual international conference for students of philology at St. Petersburg State University is the largest scientific student forum in the field of linguistics and literary criticism in the North-West of Russia. Over the past 20 years, it became a reputable event, giving the floor to young philologists.

The conference is usually attended by more than 300 students, representing several dozens of educational institutions in Russian Federation and other countries.

The conference is attended by students of all educational levels, both studying to get a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree.

There are 31 sections, which encompass eight more general fields: «Russian language», «Literature and folklore», «General linguistics», «Slavonic philology», «Romanic-Germanic philology», «From Classical philology to Neo-hellenistics», «Cinema|Text», «Budetliane». Thus, almost all the most important thematic areas of modern philology are present at the conference.

An important distinguishing feature of the conference is that the active part the members of the Student Scientific Society of the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University  take in conference organization (https://vk.com/oksfspbuhttps://vk.com/snoff.spbu,
https://t.me/oksfspbuhttps://t.me/snoffspbu). They also work as co-moderators at most of the sections.

Please, read the Information Letter (including Additional Information) carefully before submitting your application.

XXVII Open Conference for Philology Students

The Philological Faculty of St. Petersburg State University invites you to take part in the XXVII Open Conference for Philology Students, which will be held from April 22 to April 27, 2024 in a mixed format.

The annual international conference for students of philology at St. Petersburg State University is the largest scientific student forum in the field of linguistics and literary criticism in the North-West of Russia. Over the past 20 years, it became a reputable event, giving the floor to young philologists.

The conference is usually attended by more than 300 students, representing several dozens of educational institutions in Russian Federation and other countries.

The conference is attended by students of all educational levels, both studying to get a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree.

There are 31 sections, which encompass eight more general fields: «Russian language», «Literature and folklore», «General linguistics», «Slavonic philology», «Romanic-Germanic philology», «From Classical philology to Neo-hellenistics», «Cinema|Text», «Budetliane». Thus, almost all the most important thematic areas of modern philology are present at the conference.

An important distinguishing feature of the conference is that the active part the members of the Student Scientific Society of the Faculty of Philology of St. Petersburg State University take in conference organization (https://vk.com/snoff.spbu, https://t.me/snoffspbu). They also work as co-moderators at most of the sections.

Please, read the Information Letter (including Additional Information) carefully before submitting your application.

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