LI Международная научная филологическая конференция имени Людмилы Алексеевны Вербицкой

Analysis of methods of transmission of contaminated speech in Russian translations of Jack London's novel "Martin Eden"

Андрей Васильевич Куницын
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет

17:40 - 18:00

Ключевые слова, аннотация

contaminated speech; translation; Jack London; compensation
This paper is devoted to translational features of contaminated speech. Jack London's novel "Martin Eden" and a number of its translations into Russian were chosen as the research material. The study touches upon different points of view regarding the concept and classification of contaminated speech, as well as ways to translate it.  A comparative analysis of the translations of the novel "Martin Eden" into Russian was also carried out.


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The purpose of this paper is to consider issues of transmission of contaminated speech in translation of fiction. The study concerns contaminated speech as a violation of norms at various levels of the language system (phonetic, grammatical, lexical) [6]. Y.I. Retsker argues that contaminated speech is “intentional and unintentional distortion of colloquial speech” [5]. Bulgarian translators S. Vlakhov and S. Florin consider contaminated speech to be in any of its manifestations as a “deviation from the literary norm” [1]. The importance of adequate transmission of contaminated speech in translation is due to its wide distribution, as well as the difficulty of finding equivalents in the target language, since there is a wide variety of contamination manifestations that have no analogues in the target language and require different approaches to their interpretation. Translators have to resort to compensation — a method of translation that is used when there are no equivalents of the translated lexical units in the target language and, consequently, the impossibility of adequately conveying their meaning by means of the target language. In the present study, a comparative analysis of several translations of utterances containing contaminated speech was carried out. As a research material Russian translations of Jack London's novel "Martin Eden" were used, made by S.S. Zayaitsky (1929), E. Kalashnikova (1956), R. Oblonskaya (1984), as well as an abridged translation, published in 1926 under the title "In Captivity". The translator is unknown. Let us consider the methods used to convey contaminated speech in different translations using one of the examples:
It was all lighted up an’ shining, an’ it shun right into me an’ lighted me up inside, like the sun or a searchlight. That’s the way it landed on me, but I guess I ain’t up much on poetry, miss. (original)
Прямо светится да сверкает, у меня аж все засветилось в нутре, вроде солнце зажглось, не то прожектор. Зацепил он меня, хотя, понятно, я в стихах не больно смыслю, мисс. (translation by R. Oblonskaya)
Точно свет какой-то тебе в душу светит, вроде солнца или прожектора. Так мне показалось, мисс: да ведь я, должно быть, ни черта в стихах не смыслю. (translation by S. Zayaitsky)
Точно свет какой-то тебе в душу светит, вроде солнца или прожектора. Так мне показалось, мисс: да ведь я, должно быть, ни черта в стихах не смыслю. (translation by E. Kalashnikova) 
Точно свет исходит оттуда и прямо проникает в душу, освещая всё внутри, как будто луч солнца или прожектор. . . Вот мне так показалось, но может быть, я мало смыслю в поэзии. . . (abridged translation)
In this example, there are violations at the level of phonetics and grammar -
1) In terms of phonetics, the disappearance of final consonants (an’), which is a hallmark of many sociolects of the English language [7].
2) At the grammatical level, an error in the use of the auxiliary verb ain't, which is typical for many sociolects of the English language [2].
In Oblonskaya's translation, vernacular is used — в нутре, смыслю. These words are vernacular according to Ozhegov's dictionary.
In the translations of Zayaitsky and Kalashnikova, the expression is not a damn thing, which is a colloquial expression according to Ozhegov's dictionary.
In the abbreviated translation, the verb смыслю is used, which is characteristic of vernacular according to Ozhegov's dictionary.
As a conclusion of this analysis, due to the lack of equivalent phonetic and grammatical phenomena in the target language, in all translations of this cue, compensation is carried out at the lexical level.
1. Vlakhov S., Florin S. Untranslatable in translation. - M.: International relations, 1980. - 343 p.
2. Makovsky M.M. English social dialects (ontology, structure, etymology): textbook. M. : Higher school, 1982. — 135 p.
3. Ozhegov S.I., Shvedova N.Yu. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language: 80,000 words and phraseological expressions. — 4th ed., add. — M .: ELPIS Publishing House LLC, 2003. — 944 p. 
4. Retsker Y.I. "Tutorial on translation from English into Russian" — M., "Higher School", 1968.