LI Международная научная филологическая конференция имени Людмилы Алексеевны Вербицкой

Модификация домашнего чтения на основе методов CLIL (успешные примеры) / Updating Reading with CLIL Methods (successful cases)

Екатерина Сергеевна Марницына
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет технологии и дизайна

11:20 - 11:40

Ключевые слова, аннотация

Ключевые слова: домашнее чтение; ESP; CLIL; проектная работа

В докладе даются практические рекомендации по обновлению "домашнего чтения", задания традиционного в Российских вузах на занятиях по ESP. Внедрение одного из видов CLIL — сотрудничество преподавателей-предметников и преподавателей иностранного языка - позволяет разрабатывать на основе прочитанных текстов задания, мероприятия и продукты значимые для будущей карьеры студента. Дается обзор успешных кейсов.

Keywords: reading; ESP; CLIL; project work

The report aims at providing ESP teachers at tertiary level with some practical ideas on how to work with long professional texts. Independent reading could be successfully implemented using CLIL methods, i.e. teachers’ cooperation. Teachers’ team develops a project plan based on reading. The work ends up with educational artifact that has some practical value for students’ professional growth. Successful cases are explained.


Reading long professional texts as part of students’ independent work is one of the longest traditions in teaching ESP in Russia. The activity is known in Russian tertiary education as home reading and is a prolonged activity when students read independently authentic texts on the future profession, compile their own professional glossaries and later briefly discuss the texts with the teacher. Advantages of the activity include vocabulary expansion, acquaintance with the academic discourse and innovations in the professional field, ability to meet deadlines, manage your time, etc. However, the activity seems to have lost its efficiency due to the dramatic changes in the 21 century when the way of thinking, living and studying have significantly transformed. Young generation is reluctant to read long texts in a foreign language because it is a very time-consuming and tiresome task. Generation Z is also characterized by clip thinking, which means perceiving a long text is a challenge.

To make the activity efficient again, we need to reinvent it and encourage learners to process the text. If we prove its practical value for their future professional growth and development it will generate interest. Content and language integrated learning (CLIL) offered by D. March in 1994 can help here. CLIL refers to the situations where a foreign language is used to teach a subject content, thus pursuing a dual aim: to promote both the language and content mastery [Marsh 2012: II]. CLIL in its pure form is often difficult or even impossible to introduce into the educational process, which led to different forms of integrating the subject and the language in a real educational environment, one of them is teachers’ collaboration, when the subject content is introduced during the language lessons with the guidance and facilitation of the subject specialists [Кузнецова 2016: 69; Пичкова 2017: 19]. Building up teachers’ collaboration around reading complies with the main CLIL principles, since reading skills enhance comprehension of the subject and facilitate the access to subject specific terminology [Chostelidou 2014: 2170]. Cooperation between foreign language teachers and professionals in specific fields assists in finding relevant texts and developing profession-related activities, competitions and even events.

The implemented projects included cooperation between the article author, associate professor of the foreign languages department of Saint Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, and associate professors and professors of other university departments preparing specialists in different design areas (fashion, interior, CAD) at both Bachelor’s and Master’s levels. Development of a successful CLIL project undergoes three stages: collaboration, team teaching and evaluation of the project, all stages being crucial. Collaboration stage includes meeting of the involved academics to identify common interests and aims, in this particular case, to also identify texts or the theme for reading, which would become the basic of the project, and, finally, to develop a detailed plan for students with the exact tasks and deadlines. After that, both teachers introduce the project emphasizing the outcomes and benefits connected with their filed. Everybody starts working on the project outcomes, both teachers being in contact and coordinating the process, that is team teaching. Project work culminates with the presentation of the educational artifact, such as created product or research outcomes. Students have to create something which they can really show at the evaluation stage and even use to benefit their professional career. Some successful cases here include: reading about competitors’ products and developing your own software and your own website, reading about innovations or history in the science subfield and writing an article, reading on fashion history and writing course papers on Russian reminiscence in European fashion, reading description of design items and creating and describing your own design item. Participating in such projects, students become co-creators of their learning experience, they gain new skills and knowledge and improve their self-sufficiency. Project outcomes are evaluated by both academics and every student gets feedback from both parties. Such activities create a sense of accomplishment, because the created things could be really used. The project carried out in cooperation with the professor of Technical Aesthetics and Design got an award from the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation.

1.Marsh D. Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). A Development Trajectory. Edita: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Córdoba, 2012. 516 pp.
2.Кузнецова Т. И., Кузнецов И. А. Развитие системы профессионально-ориентированного обучения иностранным языкам в техническом ВУЗе на основе предметно-языковой интеграции //Вестник Адыгейского государственного университета. Серия 3: Педагогика и психология. — 2016. — №. 1 (173). — С. 67–73.
3.Пичкова Л. С. Роль предметно-языкового интегрированного обучения (CLIL) в формировании новых образовательных технологий в высшей школе //Человеческий капитал. — 2017. — №. 8. — С. 7174.
 4.Chostelidou D., Griva E. Measuring the effect of implementing CLIL in higher education: An experimental research project //Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. – 2014. — Т. 116. — С. 2169–2174.