LI Международная научная филологическая конференция имени Людмилы Алексеевны Вербицкой

Использование мультимедиа в обучении русскому языку. /Using multimedia in the Russian language teaching

Цзянь/Jian Ху/Hu
Российский университет дружбы народов

онлайн 216
18:45 - 19:00

Ключевые слова, аннотация

Key words: Multimedia; Russian language teaching; teacher’s role; teaching efficiency

Abstract: With the development of global digitalization, multimedia is more and more often used in education. This paper is to analyze how teacher take good advantage of multimedia in the Russian language classes. Compared with traditional teaching mode, multimedia plays a significant role in teaching activities. Multimedia provides teachers with more teaching resources and enhance teaching efficiency; stimulates students’ interests and active learning; promotes class interactions and develop communication skills. Meanwhile, teaching with multimedia brings problems without appropriate methods, teachers should realize these and take measures accordingly.


Nowadays, the development of modern technology represented by the Internet, artificial intelligence, and big data has changed people's way of life, and the field of education is also undergoing digital transformation. Multimedia technologies such as whiteboards and PowerPoint presentations are frequently present in the classroom [Grzeszczyk 2016: 131]. For foreign language teaching, teachers also use it to promote students' listening, speaking, reading and writing learning. On the one hand, compared with multimedia-assisted English teaching, literatures about the impact and methods of multimedia on Russian teaching are not perfect enough [Gu 2012:140]. On the other hand, in the post-epidemic era, the increase in online courses has made teaching activities more dependent on multimedia. Teachers are eager to know how to effectively use multimedia for language teaching.
Therefore, this article will explore the pedagogical methods of teaching Russian with multimedia. 
The object of this article is the process of multimedia-assisted Russian language teaching, and the subject is the teaching methods with multimedia.
The literature method and comprehensive analysis are applied in this article. Primary and secondary data are collected, and relevant literatures in this field are reviewed.

In the article, the author gives the definition of multimedia, illustrates the role of multimedia in teaching activities, explains the multimedia tools in the classroom, summarizes the teaching methods using multimedia in the Russian classroom, and analyzes the disadvantages and limitations of multimedia in teaching, and points out ways to circumvent these problems. This article supplements the theory of multimedia application in education and Russian language teaching methodology and gives teachers some experience and suggestions in their practical teaching work.

According to the article, from an application-oriented perspective, multimedia is considered to consist of computer program which is the combination of a text with at least one of the following elements: audio or sophisticated sound, music, video, photographs, 3-D graphics, animation, or high-resolution graphics. It is stated that multimedia is information that takes the form of audio, video graphics or movies (Grzeszczyk 2016, 104
Multimedia is considered to be an effective intervention in the classroom. Especially for Russian language teaching, multimedia is a necessary auxiliary tool. Multimedia provides more teaching resources. The inexhaustible resources in the network provide a large amount of multimedia information for teaching, as well as different training forms and non-text information, which greatly improves the teaching environment. Also, multimedia stimulates students' interests and active learning. The scenario design of Russian teaching can be combined with multimedia and displayed in the form of text, image, sound, animation, etc., through which learners' multiple senses are fully mobilized to participate in learning and carry out conscious and unconscious knowledge memory. And the rea-life language environment virtualized by multimedia stimulates students' interest in learning. Additionally, multimedia improves teaching efficiency. Using projection technology to display the knowledge content to students saves teaching time, improves teaching efficiency, and increases the amount of teaching information (Gu 2017). Besides, multimedia promotes class interactions and develop communication skills [Andresen, van den Brink 2013: 25]. The implementation of technological interactivity creates perfect atmosphere, encouraging the students taking part in group discussions and debates, thus, there is more opportunities for communication among students and between teachers and students (Grzeszczyk 2016:26).
The roles of teachers in multimedia environment are diverse. They are facilitators. They need to integrate multimedia language learning materials and understand teaching methods for effective use of available materials. Besides, teachers are guides. They guide students to successfully complete their projects, providing students with help, advice, and encouragement, thereby serving as a source of inspiration for similar assignments. Teachers are also researchers. They must have the knowledge of how and where to access information for use by themselves and their students (Gilakjani, 2012: 121–1211). 
At the same time, multimedia will also bring some disadvantages, teachers need to play the role as "facilitators, guides, supporters". In the face of various resources brought by multimedia, teachers need to correctly select resources suitable for teaching, including their duration and quality, and avoid making multimedia resources too rich or too single. When using multimedia resources, avoid single input resources to students and forget the human interaction, otherwise it makes classes boring. Meanwhile, teachers should combine tasks and materials in a way that guides students to proactively complete their projects and allows them to draw conclusions from those. Finally, multimedia is only an auxiliary tool. Sometimes keyboard input replaces handwriting, and sound and image replace text, with that students' performance in reading and writing easily gets weak, so teachers should also pay attention to practice besides theory teaching.

1. Andresen, B. B., & van den Brink, K. (2013). Multimedia in education. UNESCO Institute for Information Technologis in Education. 
2. Gilakjani, A. (2012) “A Study on the Impact of Using Multimedia to Imporve the Quality of English Language Teaching.” Journal of Language Teaching and Research. 3,6:1208–1215. 
3. Grzeszczyk, K. B. (2016). Using multimedia in the English language classroom. World Scientific News43(3), 104–157. 
4. Gu J Q. (2012). 谈多媒体技术在俄语教学中的应用 Application of Multimedia Technology in Russian Teaching.中国成人教育,142–143.