XLVIII Международная филологическая научная конференция

The Size of the Quires in the Proto-Codex of Strategikon

Petr Valeryevich Shuvalov
Санкт-Петербургский государственный университет

Греческий институт
12:10 - 12:35

Ключевые слова, аннотация

Pseudo-Maurice, codicology, Strategikon, textology, reconstruction.


The main idea of this topic is to prove, that in the Greek text of the late Roman compendium of the art of war, called Strategikon of (Pseudo-)Maurice, which is supposed to be a layered text, there the middle layer could be distinguished. The basis for it is the analysis of textological unity, of inner citation, of the described strategic and tactical schemes and used terms.
1. We know, that the length of the line in proto-codex, which was the common Vorlage for Strategikon and de militari scientia (so called Fragmentum Muelleri) was ca. 20 letters, what was proved by me in my article in Vizantiysky Vremennik (vol. 69/90, 2010, pp. 114–119).
2. Using the text reconstruction of the composition of the proto-text in XII D(10) published by Dennis and the length of the line (see supra), we can prove that the format of the page in the last quires of the proto-codex (quaternio and binio) was ca. 21 lines (20…21 x 21= 420…440 letters), 8 pages being moved from their native quire to another one.
3. There are also some passages, not connected to the previous and following text, e. g. VII B 17,18–20 ln. 48–61 (about the training of horses), where are 753 characters, what could correspond to 2 pages or one leaf (760 = 380 x 2 = 20 x 19 x 2).
4. The text passages in the II book (II 10; 11; 12; 16; 17) were reposed to new places in the process of writing the text of VII B 16–17—– probably by the author of these chapters 16 and 17 of the book VII which are a systematic short compendium of the books II — VII A.
5. The text was written without parchment being saved (one chapter = 1, 2, 3 or 4 full pages). The author of VII B 16–17 used the leafs of this costly codex containing the text of II 10; 11; 12; 17; 18 as a sort of bookmarks while writing the chapter VII B 18 not to forget what he should copy to the chapter VII B 17.
6. He begins the chapter 16 with the epitome of the text II 3, which is part of the interpolation of redactor whom I proposed to call «Hyper» (the idea of hyperkerastai — a special squad of shock cavalry) II 2,4 ln. 12 — 4,1 ln.6. His language is very close to that of redactor Hyper (lexics etc.).
We may suppose, that the author of the VII B 16–17 was the redactor Hyper, who interpolated the text of Strategikon with series of commentaries from the I 3,23 ln. 38–39 and till VI 5. Being this hypothesis accepted the activity of this redactor ends with exactly the text VII B 16–17, analysed above. From the point of view of textology and that of tactics and strategy it is impossible to explain, why he stopped here, but the hypothesis of the authorship of Germanus, cousin of Justinian I and very famous general, would solve this problem: he was sent by the emperor to reconquer Italy but suddenly died in the very of its preparing.